Programs IJF creates or sponsors new programs every year to bolster an independent press. While some of the programs require a modest fee, most are free! Already underway or on our agenda are these efforts:
Secondary School Journalism: The Centers offer summer workshops and year long programs for secondary school students. Students taught how to publish seondary school newspapers. For information please contact the Center in your country. Newspaper Photography. Is photography your publications weak point? We offer photojournalism courses in all our Centers. Students learn to use digital cameras. Contact them and see if you are eligible. Roma Journalism Training. In Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, we are running 10 month internship programs for young Roma journalists. To find out more, click on About Us on the right. Then click on new programs. Networking for Women journalists. The Centers offer a variety of opportunities for women journalists to meet, network, discuss mutual problems, and opportunities. Call one of our Centers if you would like to join a group. Future of Electronic Journalism. Websites, electronic magazines, columns and specialized topics are proliferating in both Europe and U.S. Our Centers, which have access to some of America's top computer experts, can bring you up to date on what's happening. Call your nearest Center to find out how and when to plug into a visiting expert. Curriculum Development. Several colleges and Universities have sought our help in reviewing the curriculum for their journalism schools or establishing journalism courses. We work with leading western journalism schools to bring practical training to local universities and institutes, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. If you are interested, call the Center near you.
The Newspaper Business. If you're wondering how to increase your advertising and circulation -- get in touch with one of our Centers. They may well be in a position to send an expert to look exclusively at your problems and opportunities. Next: Our Supporters
History | Independent Journalism Foundation's Role | The Centers for Independent Journalism | Comprehensive Practical Training | Impact of IJF | New Programs | Our Supporters | IJF Officers | To Contribute | Feedback | Eligibility | Visiting Trainers |