Reporting Diversity for
Romanian Journalists.
Guide of Best Practise for Romanian Journalists
On 29 October 2001, the Center for Independent Journalism in Bucharest,
Romania, started a new program which aims at developing a guide of good practise in
reporting diversity.
The program consists of a seven-week on-line training with journalists
(reporters and editors) from the local and mainstream media and a field
trip in several relevant Roma communities and. During the course,
participants will put together a guide of best practise in covering
At the end of the program, a conference will be held in Bucharest where
the final form of the guide will be adopted .
The lead-trainer is Nicoleta Dandu, editor with Romanian Broadcasting
Society (Public Radio). The trainees also benefit from the participation
of international and Romanian experts in media and minorities: Milica
Pesic, Director of the European Centre for War, Peace and the News Media
(London); Janis Overlock, international coordinator of Roma Programs for
the Independent Journalism Foundation in New York; Alfonz Sziga,
Hungarian journalist of Roma origin; Mircea Toma, director of the Media
Monitoring Agency Academia Catavencu; Nadia Lazar, Claudiu Saftoiu,
Marian Chiriac, Constantin Radu - Romanian journalists.
The goal of the training is to propose a draft of the guide and to adapt
it according to the journalists' and guest speakers' experience in the
field. It was chosen the on-line format as the program wants to
reach the jounalists in the local media too.
The "Diversity Training for Romanian Journalists" program is part of the
Government's Strategy to improve the situation of the Roma population
and it is funded by Phare Project RO No 9803.01. CIJ's
partners in this program are the National Office for Roma and
MEDEEuropean Consultancy.