Helping people make informed decisions by supporting a free and independent press.
IJF is a non-profit organization committed to promoting free and independent media in Eastern and Central Europe and Southeast Asia. Founded in the early 1990s, IJF's regional Centers for Independent Journalism offered training and institutional support to professional journalists, students and institutions through programs designed to serve local needs. Centers operated in Prague, Czech Republic; Bratislava, Slovakia; Bucharest, Romania; and Budapest, Hungary. The Centers in Prague and Bratislava have closed, each after ten years of operation.

In May of 2007, the Centers in Budapest and Bucharest became independent and remain vibrant local institutions today. Their programming for Roma remains in the forefront of diversity initiatives in Europe. Both Centers are the go-to partners for both local and international organizations focused on journalism. Please see their web sites for more information and

In 2000, IJF began working in Southeast Asia by offering the International Workshop in Advanced Journalism at the Royal University of Phnom Penh for young working journalists from Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar (Burma). As a result of these classes, which trained several hundred young journalists, IJF was invited to provide additional programming at home organizations for our participants. In Vietnam, we developed a comprehensive program for the Vietnam News Agency, which publishes scores of magazines and newspapers, and which was then becoming active in broadcasting. Our focus has been on business, environmental and health reporting, and we have published several media guides to assist reporters in their quest for facts.

IJF continues to provide training and support to professional journalists in Southeast Asia on a project basis. All of the courses taught follow the principles practiced by responsible journalists worldwide.

Where we are:

The Center for Independent Journalism Budapest just turned 15 -- click here to help it celebrate!

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Special project 
on Cambodian
commune elections:
"Light of the Voters"



Secondary School Journalism

Newspaper Photography

Roma Journalism Training

Networking for Women Journalists

Future of Electronic Journalism

Curriculum Development


A Media Relations
Handbook for

(for serbo-croat version click here )